Documents required for Industries applications
Sl.No. Documents Withdrawal Less than 10 KLD     Withdrawal between 10 to 100 KLD Withdrawal more than 100 KLD Download
Fresh (Industry)
1 Consent to Establish from State Pollution Control Board or letter from MoEF, or letter from State level Environmental Impact Assessment Authority or any other letter from statutory agencies indicating date of commencement of project (in case of OE area only). Yes Yes Yes
2 Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- by the applicant, confirming non/ inadequate availability of public water supply ( in case of water requirement is less than 10 KLD) OR Yes No No
Certificate of non/partial availability of water from local government water supply agency in respect of all categories of assessment units. (Required in case of water requirement is more than 10 KLD) No Yes Yes
3 Ground water quality report of existing ground water abstraction structure from NABL accredited/govt. approved lab No Yes Yes
4 Impact Assessment Report for OCS areas by accredited consultants (in case of water requirement is more than 100 KLD) NO No Yes
Impact Assessment Report with GW modelling for OCS areas by accredited consultants (in case of water requirement is more than 500 KLD for Hard rock and 1000 KLD for Soft rock) No No Yes
Impact Assessment Report with GW modelling for Safe areas by accredited consultants (in case of water requirement is more than 500 KLD in hard rock and 2000 KLD for Soft rock) No No Yes
5 Affidavit in case of Drinking/domestic/green belt (OE areas) for industries other than MSME (for new projects only) OR Yes No No
MSME Certificate in case of MSME (in case of water requirement is more than 10 KLD in OE areas, for new projects only) No Yes Yes
6 Approval from Wetland Authority (in case of Project area falling within 500 meter of Wetland zone) Yes Yes Yes
7 Bharatkosh receipt for depositing Application Fee Yes Yes Yes
8 Affidavit regarding Non-availability of water supply from local government agencies Yes No No
9 Source Water Availability/Non-availability Certificate No Yes Yes
10 Ground Water Quality Report Yes Yes Yes
11 Aplication with Signature and Seal Yes Yes Yes
Renewal (Industry)
1 Affidavit on compliance of NOC conditions for renewal cases, in case of water requirement is less than 100 KLD (pl refer NOCAP portal, Yes No No
Self Compliance report (pl refer NOCAP portal, No Yes Yes
2 Water audit reports by certified auditors ( in case of water requirement is more than 100 KLD) as per guidelines. No No Yes
3 Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- by the applicant, confirming non/ inadequate availability of public water supply ( in case of water requirement is less than 10 KLD) OR Yes No No
4 Certificate regarding non availability of water supply from the local government water supply agency. NO Yes Yes
5 Impact Assessment Report for OCS areas by accredited consultants (in case of water requirement is more than 100 KLD) No No Yes
Impact Assessment Report with GW modelling for Safe areas by accredited consultants (in case of water requirement is more than 500 KLD in hard rock and 2000 KLD for Soft rock) No No Yes
Impact Assessment Report with GW modelling for OCS areas by accredited consultants (in case of water requirement is more than 500 KLD for Hard rock and 1000 KLD for Soft rock) No No Yes
6 Bharatkosh receipt for depositing Application Fee Yes Yes Yes